Virtual World Language Learning: A Tour of Spanish-language Learning at Escape

Session Description

Join me for a tour of Spanish-language learning at Escape where you will find authentic language learning opportunities in a virtual world. While strolling through the plaza or investigating the old pyramid, you will encounter learning objects and non-playing characters.  Learning objects take students through the process of attaining knowledge, practicing that knowledge and finally assessing that knowledge in an engaging and innovative format.  Built on the OpenSimulator platform, Escape immerses students in an environment that inspires self, student-to-student and student-to-instructor learning.

Currently, Escape features over 25 spaces designed to simulate real-world locations commonly found in a Spanish-speaking town.  Embedded within these spaces are 200 learning activities focusing on beginning Spanish culture, grammar and vocabulary.  All of the activities provide visual and audio feedback to further engage students.  Each contextual space includes amble opportunities for role-play and advanced language practice.  Finally, The Casa de la Cultura features exhibitions covering a variety of cultural topics.

Spanish Language Learning at Escape is a collaboration between a college language faculty member and a private language instructor in Mexico.  For more information and a peek inside, visit:  To visit, hypergrid from your favorite OpenSim to:


James Abraham
Glendale Community College

James Abraham earned his Ph.D. from the University of Arizona. He has been teaching Spanish at GCC since 1998. He has been working with technology and language learning since graduate school and specifically in virtual worlds since 2006. Spanish Language Learning at Escape offers students an opportunity to travel virtually to the Spanish-speaking world and immersive themselves in learning.

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