Quest Design in Online Game-Based Learning

Session Description

This session delves into the design and function of quests in online game-based learning. According to Howard (2008), “A quest is a journey across a symbolic, fantastic landscape in which a protagonist or player collects objects and talks to characters in order to overcome challenges and achieve a meaningful goal” (p. xi). Quests are particularly relevant in story-based adventure and MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games) as the tasks that players (learners) complete while progressing through the game. Quests offer the potential for integrating choice of tasks and branching pathways through the curriculum within a game-based classroom. Online technologies including common learning management systems, Google Apps, or dedicated quest-based management systems can be leveraged to develop quests as part of a game-based course.

Participants in this session will gain (1) a concise synthesis of what research has to say about quest design for game-based learning (2) an overview of technologies suitable for developing quests in online game-based learning.


Chareen Snelson
Associate Professor
Boise State University

Dr. Chareen Snelson is an Associate Professor with the Educational Technology program at Boise State University. She has worked in online education for nearly 20 years having designed and taught a wide variety of graduate-level educational technology courses including media design, leadership, and qualitative research methods. Her scholarly activity has focused on several areas including online learning, educational video production, online games, and qualitative methods education.

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